The latest stories, blog articles, and pricing news from the Ibbaka team

Steven Forth Steven Forth

Capabilities - Skills around the value cycle

The fourth choice in the strategic choice cascades is capabilities is capabilities. In order to manage value and capture value back into pricing you need to understand the skills needed to create, communicate, deliver, document and capture (price) value and make sure these are available at each touchpoint along the customer journey. It is not enough to do this internally. Customers may need new skills to understand and participate in the value your offer.

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Karen Chiang Karen Chiang

How to Win - Portfolio and Pricing Choices are Well Matched

The third choice in the strategic choice cascade is how to win. In pricing, how to win choices are where you align your pricing and portfolio with your target market. This is product market fit, with fit including your pricing model and market including your competitive positioning. Connecting the value metric and pricing metric is an important part of this work.

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Karen Chiang Karen Chiang

Where to Play - Making Pricing Choices to Define your Market

The second choice in the strategic choice cascade is where to play. In pricing, where to play choices are based on a value-based market segmentation. A good segment is one where potential customers get value in the same way and buy in the same way. The segmentation helps one to target the most attractive customers.

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Karen Chiang Karen Chiang

Winning Aspirations - What pricing goals are we trying to achieve

The first choice in the strategic choice cascade is your winning aspirations. Pricing is a powerful lever and it can do many things, but it cannot do everything at the same time. Building alignment on what your pricing strategy is meant to achieve is the first step to a winning pricing strategy.

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Rashaqa Rahman Rashaqa Rahman

Applying the Strategic Choice Cascade for Pricing - HSBC Case Study

Discover the transformative potential of strategic pricing with Ibbaka. Our insights on dissecting Roger Martin’s Strategic Choice Cascade, crafting winning aspirations, targeting high-value market segments, and executing tactical decisions to connect value metrics with pricing strategies.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

How to plan your 2021 pricing strategy

2021 is just around the corner. Here are the three critical things to do to plan you pricing strategy for next year., and a tool to help you with your planning.

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Steven Forth Steven Forth

Strategic Choice Cascade for Pricing - Ibbaka Talent Case Study

Ibbaka recently shared a template to help you define your strategic choice cascade for pricing. Here is a case study on how we apply this strategic choice cascade to Ibbaka Talent. We hope this will help you in defining your own strategic choice cascade for pricing.

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