Ibbaka Skill & Talent Blog

Gregory Ronczewski Gregory Ronczewski

Core Concepts: Complementary, Associated and Connecting Skills

There is a natural tendency to organize or categorize. To help us sort the skills on the platform, we created the following categories: Foundation, Business, Design, Technical, Social, Tool, Domaine and Other. We also use another grouping to deepen our knowledge and inform the Skill Graph. These are Complementary, Associated and Connecting Skills.

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Gregory Ronczewski Gregory Ronczewski

Professional amateurs

What can we learn from the skills that we use outside of our day-to-day jobs? Is there a correlation between what browser we use and our approach to life? Who are professional amateurs? Why do we want them on our teams?

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Gregory Ronczewski Gregory Ronczewski

Skill gaps under the eagle's wings

A personal story of Gregory's first job as a young architect. There were skill gaps, he needed mentoring. Skill management would have made a difference.

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